
Pedro Mello
3 min readMay 4, 2022


Case study — Setting a new homepage for the largest wine membership club in the world

Overview is the largest wine e-commerce in Latin America with more than 277.000 traffic visits, and 281.000 members in its wine membership club. This is one of the most powerful products in the company, embracing most of the revenue and clients, being a strategic resource to the business needs.

In 2019 I was one of the visual designers in the creative squad and I took the responsibility to redesign the entire wine’s membership club homepage. Our first challenge — growing the traffic and the conversion, impacting on the final revenue — we took part in behavioral data, along with customer needs to create a strong and powerful digital asset to the company.

What I did

  • Behavioral data analysis
  • Visual design
  • UI design prototype

3 big steps

  1. Data-driven design
  2. Conversion-focused design
  3. Outcomes

01 Data driven design

Deep data analysis

With a big challenge ahead, we needed data to base our decisions. So first of all, we started to analyze data from our channels, such as GA and Hotjar. We observed a behavior in scroll down the page, most of the users traffic (80%) don’t come up to the main product explanation section and to the main CTA’s on the homepage. Also we observe a false impression on the product’s value proposition, that we do offer only one experience and only one payment method.

Observing customer panthers

With the help of the Big Data team, we could compare one year of behavioral buying data analysis, to observe the customer panthers and create a predictive model for efficiency. For instance, we learned that there are two types of customers, recurrent buyers, who order the same experience always, and the ones who always sign up for different experiences.

02 Conversion-focused design

UI that sells

With all data and analysis in mind, we could not forget our big problem — growing traffic and conversion. So we start to prototype the best solutions to solve this problem. First, we had in mind to improve the product value proposition, explain the pricing method better, and offer the best explanation for each type of customer.

After some tests and prototypes we came up to the solution of create a functional homepage, with a clear value proposition on top, explain the pricing method separately (annual, monthly + benefits of which) and also to improve the conversion, we add a fixed button bar with all experiences with the button to sign up.

03 Outcomes

Better revenue, converting and traffic

After the redesign we were able to compare the behavioral data, and we had good results:

  • -44,5% Bouncing Rate
  • 78,25% New Users
  • 86,35% Acquisition Rate
  • 11,84% Conversion Rate
  • 86,35% New Users who made a purchase

This proves what we did had the proper result and made an impact on the company’s revenue.


Design Lead: Renato Alcantara
Developer: Ramon Moreira
Visual Designer: Pedro Mello
Research: Pedro Mello

